Latest Facts about Solar System

Our Solar System

The solar system consists of the Sun, the eight official planets, at least four “dwarf planets”, more than 130 satellites of the planets, a large number of small bodies, (the comets and asteroids), and the interplanetary medium. The interplanetary medium (IPM) is the material which fills the Solar System, and through which all the larger Solar System bodies move .There are probably also many more planetary satellites that have not yet been discovered.

our solar system

Sun is main part of our solar system, it is a hot ball of glowing gases and a yellow colored dwarf star. Through its gravity, it keeps all stars and particles combine. Electric current generated in the sun creates magnetic field that spreads through solar wind. Interaction and connection between Earth and sun creates seasons, radiation belts, weathers and currents. There are billions of stars scattered across the Milky Way galaxy. Our planetary system is located in an outer spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Here are basic information about our eight solar planets.

whats about our solar system


Name of Planet Planet Type Distance from Sun Diameter Duration of the Day & Night Duration of the year Moon
Mercury Terrestrial 58 Million KM 4880 KM 176 Earth day 88 Earth days Nil
Venus Terrestrial 108Million Km 12104 KM 243 Earth day 225 Earth days Nil
Earth Terrestrial 150 Million Km 12742 KM 23.9 Hour 365.25 Earth days 1
Mars Gas Giant 228million KM 6780 KM 24.6 Hour 687 Earth days 2
Jupitar Gas Giant 778 million KM 8689.4 KM 9.93 Hour 11.86 Earth Year 53
Saturn Gas Giant 1.4 Billion KM 116464 KM 10.7 Hour 29 Earth Years 53
Uranus Ice Giant 2.9 Billion KM 50724 KM 17.14 Hour 84 Earth Year 27
Neptune Ice Giant 4.5 Billion KM 49244 KM 16 Hour 16.5 Earth Year 13


 Dwarf Planet

Dwarf is a celestial body orbiting a star that is enough massive to rounded by its own gravity but has not cleared its neighboring region of space and as not a satellite. Dwarf planets are located away from solar system in Kuiper belt. Here are basic information about Dwarf planets.

Name of Planet Planet Type Distance from Sun Diameter Duration of the Day & Night Duration of the year Moon
Pluto Dwarf 3.7 Million KM 2302 KM 153 Hour 248Earth Year 5
Ceres Dwarf 413Million Km 952 KM 9 Hour 4.6 Earth Year Nil
Makemake Dwarf 6.8 Billion Km 1430 KM 22.48 Hour 305.34 Earth Year 1
Houmea Dwarf 6.4Billion KM 1240 KM 4 Hour 285 Earth Year 2
Eris Dwarf 6.2 Billion KM 2326 KM 25.9 Hour 557 Earth Year 1

Kuiper Belt

Kuiper belt is home to dwarf planets and some other moons in our solar system. It is a circumstellar disc in the outer Solar System, extending from the orbit of Neptune.


Earth’s Moon

The moon is an astronomical body that orbits the earth, the mountain rotating at the same rate that it revolves around earth. Is the fifth-largest satellite in the Solar System, and the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbit.

It is at 384400 Km from sun and keeps 1737.5 Km Radius. The Moon makes Earth a livable planet by stabilizing our home planet by keeping on its axis, for a suitable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years.


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